Education · Social Justice

Educational Performance: It’s about inequity and poverty

Much is made about our failing schools and the need for educational reform. Too often this takes the form of dismantling public education to instead champion private forms of education, or fighting teachers unions, or calling for more standards and testing. I’m part of a group, CTRL-Shift, and we’ve been meeting weekly to debate the… Continue reading Educational Performance: It’s about inequity and poverty

Community Engagement · Social Justice

The Impact: Citizens Affecting Social Change

Knowing the ultimate reason we are doing what we’re doing is so important, allowing us to work backwards to make sure we are maximizing limited resources but also helping to assure we are using processes consistent with the end goal. I often find it takes a lot of soul searching to distinguish interim hoped for… Continue reading The Impact: Citizens Affecting Social Change

Community Engagement · Demystifying Technology · Education · Teaching · Technology and Society

Demystifying Technology: The Fundamentals

Demystifying Technology has become our catchall phrase for our particular approach to digital literacy education. The approach has now been implemented both in professional education courses at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science, and also in digital literacy workshops and one-on-one technical support sessions for community members for both children/youth and adults offered… Continue reading Demystifying Technology: The Fundamentals