Technology Reviews

Update: Reading Library eBooks on my Droid — Aldiko 2.0

A few months back I posted instructions I’ve been using to read eBooks from my local library on my Droid 2 phone using TXTR. Yesterday I received news that Aldiko 2.0 ( has been released, providing support for any eBook using the Adobe Digital Rights Management (DRM) protocol. I’ve found a personal preference for Aldiko… Continue reading Update: Reading Library eBooks on my Droid — Aldiko 2.0

Community Informatics · Social Justice

Information and Communication Technology as a Means to Develop Human Capabilities

I just happened across the book Information Technology and Social Justice (Emma Rooksby and John Weckert, Editors, Information Science Publishing, 2007, ISBN: 1591409683).  In it I read the very fascinating article “From Information Society to Global Village of Wisdom? The Role of ICT in Realizing Social Justice in the Developing World” by Sirkku Kristiina Hellsten.… Continue reading Information and Communication Technology as a Means to Develop Human Capabilities

Social Justice

Peacebuilding and Digital Storytelling

God blesses those people who make peace.  They will be called his children!  Matthew 5:9 (Contemporary English Version) In the book “Rules for radicals, a practical primer for realistic radicals,” Chapter 2, Of Means and Ends, Saul David Alinsky makes a compelling case that the proverbial question “Does the End justify the Means?” should really… Continue reading Peacebuilding and Digital Storytelling