Social Justice

My Addiction: How I Contributed to the Oil Catastrophe in the Gulf

Yesterday I saw a recent interview of Jim Wallis by Chris Matthews about the oil spill in the Gulf.  It was in response to Rand Paul’s claim that the Obama Administration is being un-American when they state they will continue to keep their heel on the throat of BP to hold them accountable.  The take… Continue reading My Addiction: How I Contributed to the Oil Catastrophe in the Gulf

Community Informatics · Community Technology Centers

Equipping Computer Labs vs. Equipping Collaborative Spaces

Yesterday I traveled with students in the summer course Community Informatics Studio to Chicago to look at three public computing facilities.  The Mac lab at the Puerto Rican Cultural Center is a more traditional looking lab with eight to ten computers lined up on either side of a table in the center of the room. … Continue reading Equipping Computer Labs vs. Equipping Collaborative Spaces

Race and Privilege · Social Justice

Racial Wealth Gap Increases Four-Fold

A May 2010 report by the Institute on Assets and Social Policy at Brandeis University indicates that the wealth disparity between whites and blacks continue to grow. Especially noteworthy is that the growth cannot be explained by income alone, as high-income blacks have seen steady or declining wealth, while both middle- and especially upper-income whites… Continue reading Racial Wealth Gap Increases Four-Fold