Community Informatics · Technology Reviews

Why Linux and not Microsoft

Here’s an interesting thread that just came across the Digital Inclusion Network mailing list, and my response to a question posed in the thread: On Jan 17, 2014 2:13 PM, “Phil Shapiro” <> wrote: This is quite some story. phil — Phil Shapiro, Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2014 8:47 AM To: Subject:… Continue reading Why Linux and not Microsoft

Civics · Community Informatics · Social Justice

The Hoopla Over the DC Court’s Ruling and Net Neutrality

There are several good articles quickly appearing regarding the DC Court’s rulings in favor of Verizon’s case against the FCC. I encourage readers to take a look at Sam Gusten’s Time Business and Money article, Dian Schaffhauser’s Campus Technology article, and Barbara Stripling’s Wired article for impacts related to business, education, and libraries, for instance.… Continue reading The Hoopla Over the DC Court’s Ruling and Net Neutrality

Community Informatics · Social Justice

Who owns our data on the Internet

Independent of what you may believe about the ethics of the multinational agribusinesses, this Salon article raises questions about the Internet and data ownership that are of central importance. I’ve been using the Internet closely enough for long enough to have seen similar threats come and go. But in the past (for instance, when Microsoft… Continue reading Who owns our data on the Internet

Community Informatics · Community Technology Centers · Social Justice · Technology Reviews

Ethical Electronic Consumerism

A few resources for ethical electronic consumerism: EPEAT® is the definitive global registry for greener electronics – a resource developed through the collaborative effort of business, advocacy, govermental, and academic interests. Greenpeace guide to greener electronics – Especially focused on environmental impacts of electronics Ethical Consumer, the UK’s leading alternative consumer organisation – A United Kingdom-based organization that looks… Continue reading Ethical Electronic Consumerism

Community Informatics · Social Justice

Information and Communication Technology as a Means to Develop Human Capabilities

I just happened across the book Information Technology and Social Justice (Emma Rooksby and John Weckert, Editors, Information Science Publishing, 2007, ISBN: 1591409683).  In it I read the very fascinating article “From Information Society to Global Village of Wisdom? The Role of ICT in Realizing Social Justice in the Developing World” by Sirkku Kristiina Hellsten.… Continue reading Information and Communication Technology as a Means to Develop Human Capabilities