Community Informatics · Community Technology Centers

Equipping Computer Labs vs. Equipping Collaborative Spaces

Yesterday I traveled with students in the summer course Community Informatics Studio to Chicago to look at three public computing facilities.  The Mac lab at the Puerto Rican Cultural Center is a more traditional looking lab with eight to ten computers lined up on either side of a table in the center of the room. … Continue reading Equipping Computer Labs vs. Equipping Collaborative Spaces

Community Informatics

Microsoft Office Labs vision 2019

Microsoft has an interesting video envisioning our interactions with Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in 10 years.  A short version as well as the five minute version can be found online at  I found the five minute version well worth the time. The tag at the very end of the video stated “productivity”. But… Continue reading Microsoft Office Labs vision 2019

Citizen Professionals · Community Informatics

Big Broadband and Citizen Professionals

I’ve followed with passing interest the development of fiber to the home (FTTH) that is occuring in a few areas around our country and much more extensively overseas.  Along with others, I have wondered just how valuable that much speed really is for most people.  Still, it seems somewhat disconcerting to think that we’ve gone… Continue reading Big Broadband and Citizen Professionals