Reflections · Social Justice

Salvation, Atonement, and Shalom Justice

In his book Shalom: The Bible’s Word for Salvation, Justice, & Peace, Perry Yoder traces the concept of salvation throughout the Bible. In so doing, he states: “… we found a view quite different from our usual understanding of salvation. We often regard salvation as a spiritual, internal, and otherworldly transaction which has to do… Continue reading Salvation, Atonement, and Shalom Justice

Race and Privilege · Social Justice

Living with Privilege

Privilege is the unearned benefits and advantages assigned to certain identity groups that come because of institutionalized oppression. White privilege is the particular form of privilege that has been intentionally developed in the United States to resolve the conflict between a constitution that states “all men are created equal” and the oppression of native Americans… Continue reading Living with Privilege

Race and Privilege · Social Justice

Understanding White Privilege by Frances Kendall, Chps. 1 & 2

I’ve been reading through Frances Kendall’s Understanding White Privilege as part of a Christian formation class at Twin City Bible Church.  Here are my notes and excerpts from the first two chapters of this excellent book that especially caught my attention. In the prefix of Understanding White Privilege, Frances Kendall states: “The book provides a… Continue reading Understanding White Privilege by Frances Kendall, Chps. 1 & 2