Reflections · Social Justice · Technology and Society

Technology Education and Social Justice

Technology education at all levels is inherently political. Knowledge of the world is socially constructed within specific historical and social contexts that are fundamentally mediated by power relations. Cyberlibertarianism and its underlying foundational frameworks can be understood, then, as a pivotal factor mediating political relations by becoming a core foundational design inspiration for, and means for reifying neoliberal influences and power relations through, our technologies. A critical lens complements a sociotechnical systems approach by exposing ways in which technology artifacts are socially constructed, intentionally and unintentionally, to reinforce exploitation, marginalization, and cultural imperialism.

Civics · Gardening · Reflections

Of Gardens and Walled Communities

This morning I laid in bed listening to passersby walking or biking down our street commenting on our garden. A few minutes later I was walking through the garden assessing the impact of the overnight rains. I pulled a few weeds to feed to the livestock and ended up chatting for a while with the custodian… Continue reading Of Gardens and Walled Communities